Molecular Medicine

Grünewald, Julian

Engineering CRISPR medicines

Our Emmy Noether group is focused on engineering CRISPR technologies for research and therapeutic applications in cardiovascular medicine. We also aim to apply the newest gene editing tools in stem cells, ex vivo tissues, and organoids. The lab is located at the TranslaTUM Organoid Hub of the Center for Organoid Systems (COS). Please reach out to Julian, if you’re interested in learning more!
Lab website:
Twitter: @grunewaju
Selected Publications:

Hsu, J.Y., Grünewald, J., Szalay, R., Shih, J., Anzalone, A.V., Lam, K.C., Shen, M.W., Petri, K., Liu, D.R., Joung, J.K., Pinello L. - PrimeDesign software for rapid and simplified design of prime editing guide RNAs. Nature Communications 12, 1034 (2021)

Kurt, I. C., Zhou, R., Iyer, S., Garcia, S. P., Miller, B. R., Langner, L. M., Grünewald, J.,* & Joung, J. K.* - CRISPR C-to-G base editors for inducing targeted DNA transversions in human cells. Nature Biotechnology 39(1), 41-46 (2021) *co-corresponding author

Grünewald, J.*, Zhou, R.*, Lareau, C. A., Garcia, S. P., Iyer, S., Aryee, M. J., & Joung, J. K. - A Dual-Deaminase CRISPR Base Editor Enables Concurrent Adenine and Cytosine Editing. Nature Biotechnology. 38(7), 861-864 (2020) *co-first author

Grünewald, J., Zhou, R., Iyer, S., Lareau, C. A., Garcia, S. P., Aryee, M. J., & Joung, J. K. - CRISPR DNA base editors with reduced RNA off-target and self-editing activities.                   Nature Biotechnology, 37(9), 1041–1048 (2019)

Grünewald, J., Zhou, R., Garcia, S. P., Iyer, S., Lareau, C. A., Aryee, M. J., & Joung, J. K. Transcriptome-wide off-target RNA editing induced by CRISPR-guided DNA base editors. Nature, 569(7756), 433–437 (2019)

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