The TUM Graduate School (TUM-GS) (link is external) is a university-wide umbrella organization for doctoral candidates across all disciplines at TUM. As of 2014, all new TUM doctoral candidates become members of the TUM Graduate School automatically.

Together with the Graduate School its Faculty Graduate Centers (link is external) and interdisciplinary Thematic Graduate Centers (link is external) support doctoral candidates in their research work. In collaboration with institutions of TUM, the TUM-GS ensures the high quality of doctoral projects and promotes transferable skills, which are becoming increasingly more important. This way the TUM Graduate School provides its doctoral candidates with the best preparation for leading positions in science and society as a whole.
TUM School of Medicine offers four doctoral degrees and runs its own Graduate Center - the MGC. For some degrees, you can also choose a Thematic Graduate Center like HELENA(link is external), IGSSE(link is external) or Graduate Center BioEngineering(link is external) (GCB). Doctoral candidates can be a member in just one Graduate Center.

The programs offered by the Graduate Centers and the TUM-GS include a variety of advantages and training opportunities, such as:

  • Soft Skills courses to prepare doctoral candidates for a career in science and research
  • Subject-related courses
  • Financial support for scientific stays abroad
  • A proof-reading service for English language manuscripts
  • Individual mentoring
  • Networking opportunities
  • Welcome Services for new doctoral candidates

You can find the entire range of services and more detailed information on the TUM GS website(link is external).