

  • *** the event is organised in German language, so the invitation is also in German language ***

    TUM Graduate School fördert familienfreundliche Strukturen, die unseren Promovierenden helfen, Familie, Beruf und Forschung zu vereinbaren. Um Promovierenden mit Kind(ern) eine Austauschplattform und peer-group networking Möglichkeit zu bieten, hat TUM GS speziell für Promovierende mit (Klein-)Kind(ern) neue Family Event Series ins Leben gerufen.

  • Anderseen Lab is looking for a highly motivated Ph.D. student in bioinformatics and/or a wet-lab biologist with computational background.

  • The Chair of Biological Imaging (CBI) at the Technical University of Munich and the Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging  at Helmholtz Munich are an integrated, multi-disciplinary research structure and form the cornerstone of a rapidly expanding bioengineering ecosystem in Munich, Germany; including the Research Center TranslaTUM and the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus, which integrate bioengineering with oncology and metabolic disorders, respectively.

  • **** UPDATE: positions are not available any more ****

    The Department of Nuclear Medicine (Schilling Lab) is seeking applications from highly motivated candidates for three PhD positions.  Candidates with a M.Sc. or equivalent degree in chemistry, biochemistry, bioengineering or physics, computer science, bioengineering, electrical engineering other related subjects are invited to apply for the funded positions in within the following research areas:

  • ** UPDATE NOV 8th - the position has been filled **

    The Department of Urology is offering a 3-year position (TVL-E13 65%) to a candidate with master or diploma thesis in life science/biology with extensive experience in molecular and cell biology.