New TUM-GS Doctoral Regulations
As of October 1st, 2021, the new doctoral regulations of TUM including the new statute of the TUM Graduate School have come into force. This means that the regulations and requirements there apply to all doctoral students.
However, some paragraphs are exempt for doctoral candidates who applied for registration in the doctoral list before October 01st 2021. In the final provisions in §29 (Doctoral Regulations) and §19 (Statute) you can read which ones are concerned.
With a voluntary change to the latest version of the Doctoral Regulations and the TUM-GS Statute all requirements for your doctoral project apply according to the new Doctoral Regulations. Therefore, you should thoroughly weigh up before a change whether a change makes sense for you or could possibly also lead to disadvantages.
Is a full Regulations change something for me?
Click here for the checklist for an easy decision about the Regulations change.
You can apply for a change of the doctoral regulations in your DocGS account under "Change of data regarding your doctoral project". The change must be made and completed before submitting the dissertation.
To be able to fulfill the qualification requirement of discussion of the project in the scientific community in the Translational and Experimental Medicine Program, a special feature applies. You must fulfill one of the following points:
- accepted first author publication in an international, peer-reviewed journal or
- accepted first author conference contribution at an international peer-reviewed conference in combination with a submitted first author publication in an international peer-reviewed journal or
- accepted first author conference paper at an international peer-reviewed coference in conjunction with an accepted coauthor publication in an international peer-reviewed journal.
School of Medicine does not accept media dissertation as a type of dissertation that results in awarding of a doctoral degree by the School.