Supervision Agreement for Doctoral Candidates
Committee Meeting Report
Application for Extention of Duration of Study
Cover Page
Statutory Declaration (in German, please all use this form)
Statutory Declaration (English translation is for the purpose of better text understanding for the international students)
Application for degree
Thesis Retention Period
Confirmation of Dissertation Research
Confirmation of Participation in Scientific Seminars
Student Orientation Handbook
Rule Book (in German, from October 23rd, 2020)
Rule Book (in German, from Nov 6th, 2021, with a change from June 3rd, 2020)
MGC Rule Book
TUM Regulations for the Award of Doctoral Degrees, effective January 1, 2014 and Statutory Regulations (Bylaws), effective September 1, 2013
Application for the TUM Graduate School internationalization support
TUM-GS Application for the Refund of Travel Expenses